Tuesday, February 12, 2008

checking in

Hi there! Just checking in very very briefly to ask for your prayers. Fefe no longer has an ear infection!! Yeah!!

Please pray...

We are all healthy right now, and I pray that this continues.

Hubbie and I are preparing for the Beyond Cana marraige retreat this weekend. Please pray for the couples putting on the retreat and those attending.
Please pray for our families and any other obstacle that may come our way! St. Michael, pray for us.

Our computer is broken. We are trying to quickly find an affordable computer! Meanwhile, I am on hubbie's laptop that he makes available in the evenings.

Speaking of hubbie... he is working crazy crazy hours. Which means I am too. Please pray that we can continue to support each other, be patient with each other and cut each other some slack- all as we prepare for this weekend!!
Have I mentioned how much I am looknig forward to this weekend?!
God bless you!!!


  1. I'll keep you in my prayers. If only we had a retreat like that around here. Oh well, God will provide.


    Oh, I STILL HAVEN'T MAILED YOUR PRIZE, but it is addressed and on my desk. SORRY. I am such a slacker.

  2. Hey there! I hope you have a fabulous retreat! I am so jealous. You'll both be in my prayers this weekend.

  3. thank you for your prayers!! It went so well. As for the prize, oh my goodness!! It is really truly OKAY.
